Porcine pleuropneumonia caused by Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (A.p.) is a highly contagious respiratory disease, characterised by rapid onset, short course, high morbidity and mortality. The disease spreads worldwide and there are various levels of perception, diagnostic and monitoring measures available in addition to preventive programs.
Pleuropneumonia mostly affects growing and finishing pigs, but can also be present in nursery pigs and gilts. It can appear as a singular disease, or more frequently as an important part of the porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC). Correct diagnostics and implementation of appropriate monitoring methods are important factors for the success of preventive measures applied to the control of the disease.
Coglapix: Breathe easy, gain without pain!
Coglapix® provides cross-serotype protection against Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (A.p). This effective protection, without post vaccination reactions, gives each pig the ability to breathe easily and therefore gain without pain. Coglapix® vaccination has been shown to be effective at reducing both the prevalence of pleurisy within a batch and the severity of these lesions, as demonstrated by the APPI (Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia index), as seen below.
The Ceva Lung Program is a tool used in the slaughterhouse which provides an overview of the diseases associated with Actinobacillus pleuropeumoniae, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and Aujeszky’s disease virus. It offers the methodology and guidelines on how to correctly evaluate the presence, incidence, circulation patterns and impact of these infections using serological investigation and adapted lung scoring of slaughter pigs. It is used to determine the appropriate vaccination protocol and monitor the results of vaccination with Coglapix® and Hyogen®. Continued analysis of lungs in the slaughterhouse is important to ensuring effective control and monitoring of disease.
Significantly improved mortality by 3.5%1
Substantial FCR decrease: 0.121
Beneficial ADWG increase: 40g1
The cost of vaccination for App can also be 56% less than the cost of medication [2] and therefore choosing vaccination has both health and economic benefits.
[1] Cárceles, S., Cuestas, F., Celma, S., Oliver-Ferrando, S., Del Carmen, P., Carmona, M., Lasierra, M. and Espigares, D. 2019. Porcine pleuropneumonia control with Coglapix® vaccination under field conditions. Utrecht, European Symposium of Porcine Health Management.
[2] Krejci R. and Révész, T. 2013. Comparison of vaccination with Coglapix® and targeted medication in the prevention of pleuropneumonia in pigs. Vietnam, Asian Pig Veterinary Society.
Coglapix suspension for injection for pigs. Active ingredient: Coglapix® contains inactivated Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae bacteria. Please refer to the product packaging and leaflets for information about side effects, precautions and warnings. Legal Category: UK: POM-V. IE: POM. Further information is available on the SPC.