Your search for "vaccines" return 7 results.
UK Group Tax Strategy >
Ceva UK Group Tax Strategy
Careers >
Through our commitment to animal health and well-being, the Ceva Animal Health contributes to essential human needs. Join us!
Who is Ceva UK? >
Ceva Animal Health Ltd is the UK subsidiary of the Ceva Group. Having launched in the UK in 2000, Ceva markets pioneering animal health products in ruminant, pig, poultry, and pet sectors.
Contributions >
An astounding 75% of emerging human diseases are of animal origin. Ceva Animal Health is making a huge contribution in the global fight against brucellosis, avian flu, and other zoonoses such as Q-fev...
Global Support Programmes >
Ceva and the SOS project
Global Business and Scientific Partnerships >
Ceva Animal Health works with an extensive network of business and scientific institutions worldwide.
Who are we? >
Ceva Animal Health is a global veterinary health company focused on the research, development, production and marketing of pharmaceutical products and vaccines for pets, cattle,pigs and poultry.